Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Is it ever OK to invade some one's privacy -for a parent to snoop, go through a child's text messages, etc. -for a concerned friend to look into an other's personal life?Explain why it is or is not OK to invade another person's privacy. Back up your argument with specifics. *200-word minimum

I believe it is not okay to invade someones privacy. Going threw peoples things means you can't either trust them doing things themselves, or you just don't trust them period. Personal space is a big issue these days, especially with the way things are in the world. Sometimes people believe it is okay to snoop with internet situations, and dating due to the way things go today with people. As for a friend being concerned about another friends personal life, at certain circumstances its okay, and at other times its not. When you feel as though your friend is in danger and/or going to be in trouble, that's when you intervene. In other words invading peoples privacy is not okay, but only under certain circumstances, so be wise on the times you choose to snoop !

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

. Corporal punishment can consist of anything from being forced to sit in a corner, to being spanked, to being whipped or stretched on the rack.
The United States executes criminals all the time, and we've recently tortured terrorism suspects. Do you think that capital and corporal punishment work, or do they just cause people to be angrier and more violent? Explain.
*Post your response on your blog, not this one.

The Torture and execution in Shakespeare's England was brutal. For example if you were a peeping tom , one of your eyes would be taken out. If you were a thief , one of your hands would be chopped off. The punishment back then was very horrible, and not something people think to do today. During Capital Punishment it was done in public for everyone to see , and also for entertainment. Capital Punishment constist of ducking , the wheel, tredeem, the french rack, and public humiliation. Ducking is when someone that committed a crime, is tied down to a chair and dunked into a lake to sit and dround. The wheel is when you're placed in between a wheel that has spikes and iron bars, each bar comes closer and closer to you crushing your body piecce by piece. If you're not dead by time they're finish and most likely you're not, they finish you off by sending a single blow of the wheel to your heart. Tredeem is being hung by your neck , and being cut open by your Corporal Punishment was also done while in public for everyone to see the punishment for the littlest crimes.