Wednesday, March 31, 2010


In today's post:*Explain what your neighborhood looks like and what it's like to live there. *Provide details.*Discuss wether or not it's worth fighting for....If it is explain why.... ...If it isn't, answer this question: Should we make things better at home? Do we owe it to anybody to make things better?If you can, include a picture to go along with your post

My neighborhood looks like a normal subherb place to live. Lots of houses, stores, and cars. Most people are friendly , but not all. We have deer, bunnys, cows, horses, and sheep around my house. It's okay to live here , but not alot of excitement but its fun. Sometimes it gets very boring and there's nothing to do, but you just call up a friend and take a long hike if you don't have a car ! I'm not sure if i would fight for my town, being that i don't like it here. I rather live in a more exciting place, with lots more to do. Things that could improve the neighorhood , would be more stores for jobs, moving the stores closer to the house , making more sidewalks for the people that walk , creating a place outside when it rains, things of that nature could help alot. Making it what the community and the people of the community need , being that they have to live there. We owe it to the people that own the community , and also the people that live in the community to make it better.

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