Wednesday, May 19, 2010

my thoughts for today

Today what’s on my mind is a lot! I don’t understand some things like, how people get mad at the people that care about them and help them. I also get bothered by the people that have nothing to do with your life, but try to include themselves, them self. I get really annoyed fast, so that’s why my temper is the way it is. I trust not too many people, if anyone. I have a lot going on in my life, and at times as big as my family is and has expanded, I still feel like I deal with stuff all by myself. I feel like a lot of things shouldn’t have happened the way it has, but I guess everything happens for a reason. I miss a lot of things in my life and want to accomplish a lot too. In time everything will be over and done, and hopefully all in the right way. I pray for the right things, and God answers me I just try not to ask for a lot. Last and final thoughts ; F A C T: I don’t care to know your opinion I don’t care, I live my life not yours !


  1. your family has expanded and you dot deal with to much by yourself. but then again i cant tell you what you feel,but God will answer.the question is when he does, will you listen everyday is another day the best advice to give would just to take how you get it but one step at a time
