Wednesday, June 9, 2010


When i was younger there was this girl named Yasmin, who lived on the corner of my block. Sometimes i would feel bad for her and let her come over and play and sometimes i just wouldn't care. One day in the summer i had a lot of my friends over and we were playing in the backyard, Yasmin came walking down the back street and i didn't want her over. I told her to go home, because nobody wanted to play with a fat sweaty girl in the sun. She ran back down the back street crying home to her mom. Her and her mom came down to my house and tried to embarrass me in front of my friends by saying, not to come down to her house to play in her yard, and to go in the house and get my mom. I told her nobody plays at her house because its dirty inside and out , and then went in the house to get my mom. Thinking my mom would be on her side she explained to my mom what happen, my mom then said that if i didn't want to have Yasmin as company at my house that she wasn't allowed over. My mom and Yasmin's mom exchanged words , and my mom sent her on her way. My friends and I began to laugh at her when my mom went in the house, and continued laughing. Now that I'm looking back i should've let her play in my yard being that all the other kids on the block were at my house. I feel like now it was unnecessary. I think people like Doodle are mean because it makes them feel good, or maybe even because it gives them a laugh.

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