Wednesday, May 5, 2010

my JOB

1. Describe the job that you hope to have when you are 25 years old? *If you have a few ideas, describe just one.2. Explain why you would be a good fit for this job and/or why this job would be a good fit for you.3. (a) Review this list of job skills (also distributed in class) and identify the twenty skills from the list that are most important for that job. (b) Under each skill, describe a situation where you will need to demonstrate that skill while doing the job that you identified earlier.Your list will look like this:1. Collecting Money As a self-employed carpenter, I will have to prepare bills for clients, and collect payments after work has completed....You'll have twenty of these.

The job that i hope to have when i am 25 is as an RN. An RN is a registered nurse, they help people do all types of things. I think i would be a good fit for this job , because I've been helping people my whole life. This job will fit into my everyday life perfectly , that's why I'm getting a head start in July , with starting by getting my LPN.

1.advising people -
I'd be advising people while working because of the patience's that I'd be working with.

2. finding information -
I'd have to find information out about my patience's that I'd be working with.

3.adapting new procedures -
I'd have to adapt to new procedures being that I'd be working health care things change everyday.

4.negotiating/arbitrating conflits -
i would use this skill possibly with certain patience's.

5.remembering information -
i would definitely be using this skill because knowing and remembering my patience's is very important.

6.listening to others-
listening to others is a very important part of my future job. in order to help them they have to tell me whats going on with them.

7.entertaining people -
this would be great too , because they could always use a laugh.

8.supporting others-
supporting others is what my job is about.

9.overseeing operations-
at times my position might cause me to overlook the situation so that things are done correctly and safely.

10.becoming actively involved-
being actively involved is also another big part of my job because of my patience's. i must interact with the patience's in order to help them.

11.maintaining a high level of activity-
keeping myself moving and helping people is whats going to keep me going.

12.rehabilitating people-
this is another part of my job if i don't do this , then I'm not doing my job.

13.meeting people-
being that I'm going to be working with people all the time , meeting new people is going to be an everyday thing for me.

14.tolerating interruptions-
I'm going to be a very busy person so interruptions might happen almost everyday

15.confronting others-
confronting others might happen quiet often if i have older patience's that don't want to take their medicine.

16.administering medication-
i may have to pass out medication to my patience's and i may not i don't know but ill be prepared

17.motivating others-
motivating others is another big part of my job , its what keeps them going when they're sick or hurt.

18.interacting with people at different levels-
some of my patience's might be different from the other so I'm going to have to deal with them all differently.

19.updating files-
in order for me and others that work with the same patience's as me to know whats going on with our patience's we must update our patience files

20.picking out important information-
in order for my job to go well i must pick out whats most important in what I'm doing and focus on it.

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